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Early Childhood Education (ECE) Recruitment and Retention Grant

September 14, 2023

The Department of Education introduced the ECE Recruitment and Retention Grant to become effective September 1, 2023. This grant was developed to provide funding to recruit and retain level 1 to 4 ECEs in our province.

If you are going to renew your certification, or apply for your certification for the first time, you may be eligible for this grant. The grant is provided through the certification process through AECENL. If you are eligible, you can receive a maximum of $2,500 for initial and each three-year renewal of your level 1 to 4 certification, up to a total amount of $7,500.

Click here to review AECENL’s step by step details of how to apply.

Why is the Department of Education supporting the recruitment and retention of level 1 to 4 ECEs in our province? Click here to read our resource, Why ECE Retention Matters.


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